1st semester Statistics notes pdf Kashmir university
Measures of central tendency or location (Arithmetic mean. Mode, median geometric mean, and harmonic mean).characteristics of good average, Relationship between various measures of location and their applications, Merits and demerits of these measures. Dispersion: Relative and absolute measures (Range, Quartile Deviation, mean Deviation and standard Deviation, coefficient of variation and its applications.
Skeness, Kurtosis and their measures including those based on quartiles. Moments, relation between central moments in terms of raw moments and vice versa. Effect of change of scale and origin on moments". Sheppard’s correction for grouping errors. Coefficients based on moments (a, b,& y coefficients).
Bivariate data:- Concept f correlation and its types. Scatter diagram method and product moment method of studying correlation. Properties of a correlation coefficient (limits of the correlation coefficient, effect of change of origin and scale) concept of rank correlation derivation of Spearmans rank correlation coefficient and its limits. Principal of least squares and fitting of first-degree polynomial and parpbola , meaning of regression, derivation of two regression lines. Regression coefficients and their properties...
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